Sunday Scene with Carmen Victor
Sun Dec 04 2022
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Biret and Gáddjá Haarla Pieski, Outi Pieski (Sámi, Finland) Guhte gullá/Here to hear, 2021. Two-channel video, 8:30 Commissioned by the Helsinki Art Museum and the Helsinki Biennial, 2021
Join us for a Sunday Scene with writer and researcher Carmen Victor.
Carmen Victor has a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture from York and Toronto Metropolitan Universities. Victor’s writing on contested landscapes, installation art, cinemas of the circumpolar North, and time-based and experimental film & media has appeared in several journals and edited volumes. She has writing forthcoming in Papers in Canadian History and Environment (late fall 2022). Victor teaches at universities in and around the Greater Toronto Area, currently in the Faculty of Arts & Science at OCAD University. She holds a MITACS Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cinema and Media Arts at York University and is Managing Editor of PUBLIC journal.