LEGO Art: Future Homes with Ekow Nimako
Tue Mar 24 – Tue Apr 14 2020
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Toronto Kiwanis Boys & Girls Clubs
Spruce Clubhouse
101 Spruce St.
Courtesy the artist
The Power Plant has postponed all programming until further notice in view of the COVID-19 public health emergency. For updates, please continue to refer to Toronto Public Health.
Ghanaian-Canadian artist Ekow Nimako has been creating with LEGO® his entire life. It began when he was four and later evolved into an international contemporary art practice that beautifully transcends the iconic bricks of his medium. A child of Afrofuturism, both his fine artworks and participatory workshops explore otherworldly Black narratives that often draw on themes of ancestry, science fiction, homegoing and heroism.
Building the Block: Home 3020 CE will encourage youth at the Spruce clubhouse to conceptualize and build their ideal family home 1000 years in the future. The idea is to encourage critical thought around the need for quality accessible homes for all and the importance of establishing a self-sustaining familial haven for generations to come.
Program Dates
Tuesdays, 4-6PM
24 March - 14 April 2020